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U.S. Presidential Inauguration

Image source: NYTimes

Just a brief entry to mark the Inauguration of the 44th United States President. Already many articles are being written about Bararck Obama and this day. NY Times has written about Europe celebrating:

PARIS — Around the globe, from Hong Kong to London, Barack Obama’s inauguration became a day for millions to fete an event they refused to see as reserved for Americans and insisted was one that touched lives far beyond the United States.

In Iberian America they are also following things with a positive attitude:

Hoy es el gran día para Barack Obama, que esta tarde toma posesión como el 44º presidente de EE UU. Será a las 11.30 de la mañana en Washington (16.30 GMT) cuando comience la tradicional ceremonia que culminará con el juramento del nuevo presidente ante el presidente del Tribunal Supremo, John Roberts. Entre dos y cuatro millones de personas seguirán el juramento desde el National Mall y los alrededores del Capitolio de Washington, una ciudad blindada con miles de policías encargados salvaguardar la seguridad de una jornada histórica.

The new presidency stands for a new phase in the history of the United States as well as the entire world. People are aware that today is a historical day. This will be like other major events when one remembers where one was at the time it took place.

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