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Remix Culture: Travels in Intertextuality, reblog from “matteo bittanti on the net”

Text source: http://mbf.blogs.com/mbf/2006/week39/index.html

Joel Flynn has recently achieved his Masters of Science at Simon Fraser University with a Thesis on Remix culture [full title, in capital letters, “TRAVELS IN INTERTEXTUALITY: THE AUTOPOETIC IDENTITY OF REMIX CULTURE”]. He aptly made “two different “mixes”: one has all the images and media links http://www.karmafia.com/thesis/2006-07-27_JFlynn_ThesisDC.pdf and the other has replaced everything that would be questionable in terms of the school’s copyright policy http://www.karmafia.com/thesis/2006-08-14_JFlynn_ThesisPC.pdf. Be sure to check it out.
Here’s the abstract:
“Travels in Intertextuality aims for what John Berger would call “ways of seeing” digital media artifacts and interacting cultural texts. Using Lev Manovich’s Language of New Media, these “new media objects” are seen through the metaphorical “coordinated set of lenses” of Michael Cole’s Cultural Psychology. In addressing issues of “writing” and identity in the digital age at the intersection of technology, art, and commerce, this highly exploratory work looks for ways to perceive “value” in remix culture through ecological models of sociocultural systems. The thesis “follows the problem” of remix through “pioneering research”, “reflective practice”, and shifting contexts for expansive learning. Emerging from significant pools of digital media, “remix value” is analysezd through cultural-historical perspectives, as well as through the autopoietic perspectives of “self-making” biological and sociolinguistic systems.”

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